

eTwinning-“Our cute mascots”

Międzynarodowy sukces Szkoły Podstawowej nr 4 ze Skarżyska – Kamiennej

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 w ZSP nr 4 została wyróżniona Europejską Odznaką Jakości  za pracę w projekcie eTwinning.  Pracę nauczycieli i uczniów tej szkoły oceniono jako reprezentującą najwyższy europejski poziom.

eTwinning to platforma internetowa umożliwiająca współpracę szkołom z różnych europejskich państw. Projekt „Our Cute Mascots” został wspólnie zrealizowany przez sześć państw: Polskę, Turcję, Portugalię, Włochy, Hiszpanię i Anglię. Głównymi bohaterkami przedsięwzięcia były maskotki Baby Jagi – symbol województwa świętokrzyskiego pozyskane z Urzędu Marszałkowskiego w Kielcach, które podróżowały po partnerskich placówkach. Podczas wizyty maskotek w danej szkole uczniowie wykonywali szereg zadań, które następnie były dokumentowane na stronie internetowej eTwinning oraz w dziennikach towarzyszących maskotkom. Uczniowie opisywali swoje codzienne zajęcia, opowiadali o zainteresowaniach, za pośrednictwem mediów internetowych przesyłali wiadomości w języku angielskim do uczniów ze współpracujących  krajów. Poprzez kontakt z maskotką oraz lekcje online mogli poznawać swoich kolegów, ich obyczaje, tradycje,  a także upodobania kulinarne. Maskotki były elementem zachęcającym uczestników projektu do głębszego poznawania języka angielskiego oraz spuścizny kulturowej Europy.

Głównym celem projektu było promowanie twórczego myślenia, wspomagania rozwoju talentów uczniów,  poprawy umiejętności posługiwania się językiem angielskim, rozwoju odpowiedzialności oraz umiejętności pracy w grupie. Projekt Our Cute Mascots został zainicjowany w lutym 2016 roku i trwał do czerwca. W Szkole Podstawowej nr 4 został zrealizowany przez klasę trzecią pod kierunkiem nauczyciela języka angielskiego Arkadiusza Kwiatkowskiego i Żanetę Szwed – asystentkę nauczyciela.

Dokumentacja międzynarodowej współpracy uczniów została pokazana na europejskim portalu: oraz na szkolnej stronie szkoły .

About the project

The project “Our cute mascots” is going to bring eight different regions together. They are Turkey, South Shields - United Kingdom , Poland, Manchester-United Kingdom , Croatia , Portugal, Spain and Italy . The partners use WEB2 tools and make some meetings to share the details.
The aim of the project is travelling of mascots all over the world . During the visit , we will do the different activities with the mascot , take photos and videos then describing them in the mascot's travel diary on Twinspace. Pupils will take pictures of the location of the school, a typical school day and any hobbies that the children are involved in. Besides they will write messages, draw pictures and stick photos into mascots diary. Through mascot students will learn about the beauty, customs, food, songs , famous people of host country. We can say that Mascots will help children learn about the culture, customs, traditions and the heritage of another European town and country.


We are promoting creative thinking, communication skills , developing manual abilities, supporting talent of pupils, developing using English, sharing new experiences, presenting results of pupils’ work on the website, developing reliability, responsibility, accountability, developing team work, ICT abilities development, motivating the learning of foreign languages as a tool to communicate now and in the future.


Our project will last from February to June. Firstly ,we are going to take photos with our mascots in our school , classrooom and also garden. Moreover we can take videos in our lessons ,too. Then we are going to give the mascot to our pupils to take it to their home and they take the photos or videos at home or special& famous places in our town and we are going to upload the pictures to twinspace. We will share the results of activities on the project website. The partners in this project will be contacted via WEB 2 tools such as email , Skype, padlet, titanpad .


Pupils will have a wider knowledge and understanding of life in other countries . We will present the results of all activities on the website. It will be a great opportunity to see different points of view on the same topics. Pupils will get to know other countries. Moreover I believe that the project will encourage all students to communicate with their friends by using English.


The legend of Holy Cross Mountains witches

Once upon the time, on one of the summits of the Holy Cross Mountains (the  English equivalent for Góry Świętokrzyskie in Polish), refered to as Łysiec by local dwellers( the Bald Mountain in English), where the witches’ gatherings or sabbath would be. In the day the witches resembled  women, but at night-time they would turn into ugly creatures. They would fly to their  usual meeting spot on old brooms they had cast the spell  beforehand. It was enough for the witch to sit on a device and put a spell and the broom would take off  and fly them onto the mountain peak. during the sabbath  celebrations the witches used to perform pagan rituals,  perform witchcraft,   dance with  the Evil  One until the  very crack of dawn.Not only did the witches  danced, but they made their neighbours’ lives misery. Their spells caused a lot of havoc the cows stopped producing milk, hens  laying eggs and what’s  even worse, children refused obeying their folks. All those bad events got people to  make a decision to  fight the evil with the good and set a monastery on the nearest mountain. It drove the witches  bonkers and together with devils they arranged  the plot to destroy the sacred building. One night they picked up a huge boulder and dropped it on the monastery. However, they made a bad judgement as far as their strength was concerned and with the last ounce of it they threw the rock on the neighbouring hill.When the next Sabbath gathering was disturbed by the monastery bells ringing, annoyed witches begged the fiends for some help. This time they had managed to collect smaller rocks to be dropped  on the monastery. The devils unfolded their capes and loaded them with stones and rock pieces and ascended. Fortunately, a rooster perching on the cote spoted the approaching danger and began to cockcrow. It  got one of the monks awoken and made him thinking it was time for the morning mass, so he started ringing the bells. The evil spirits could not stand the sound and plugged their ears. And the rocks fell on the hill slope breaking the trees down. Local dwellers who had seen places covered with boulders started calling them “gołoborze”, the rock rubble. The slope hasn’t still been overgrown with the flora. And  what about the witches? When they had finally lost the spell craft magic they came back to their villages. It did not  take long before they got married but their husbands turned out to be  real drunks and loafers. Getting married to such  old rascals and lazybones was the women’s penance for mingling with evil.




  • Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 im. Marii Curie Skłodowskiej
    Książęca 149
  • +48 41 2512925

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